CopperString 2032 – Reid River
CLIENT: Powerlink Queensland (Powerlink)
SECTOR: Infrastructure - transmission
REGION: North Queensland
The CopperString 2032 project aims to build an 840 km electricity transmission line from just south of Townsville to Mount Isa. This project will connect Queensland's North West Minerals Province to the National Electricity Market for the first time, as well as future renewable energy projects.
The eastern component of the project involves the construction of a transmission line from Flinders substation at Hughenden, to a new substation to connect to the Strathmore to Ross transmission line.
OUR INVOLVEMENT: Preliminary Constraints and Corridor Options Assessment.
Umwelt was engaged by Powerlink Queensland to prepare a Preliminary Substation Site Options and Transmission Corridor Options Report for the CopperString 2032 – Reid River Project.
The team assessed social, natural, and physical constraints within the Study Area for the construction of a new substation near Reid River and assessed potential transmission corridor options for the construction of new electricity transmission infrastructure. The team then hosted workshops to present their findings. The completed work will support a more detailed route selection investigation, field and environmental studies, Commonwealth and State approvals and land tenure acquisition strategies for delivery of the project.
The Umwelt team successfully delivered the Preliminary Substation Site Options and Transmission Corridor Options Report on time and within budget. Our senior transmission planning specialists, utilised their extensive knowledge and insights to deliver a comprehensive assessment of potential substation sites and transmission line corridors for Powerlink. This enabled Powerlink to make informed decisions on the CopperString 2032 – Reid River Project.