Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP) Supergrid Strategy and Planning


CLIENT: Powerlink Queensland
SECTOR: Infrastructure - Transmission
REGION: Queensland

The SuperGrid Blueprint supports the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan (QEJP) to transition to a sustainable energy future. The SuperGrid represents a strategic plan for upgrading Queensland's electricity network, informed by expert analysis and market forecasts. It aims to significantly expand transmission infrastructure over the next ten years, enhancing the integration of renewable energy and storage solutions statewide. 

OUR INVOLVEMENT: Planning and Approvals Strategy.

Umwelt developed a strategy to streamline the planning and approval processes for the SuperGrid project, focusing on risk management and compliance with Queensland's legislative requirements. The strategy included an analysis of land use, policy review, and identification of risks and opportunities, aiming to support an overarching strategy for necessary approvals. Recommendations were made to guide the planning approval process, and Umwelt collaborated with Powerlink through workshops to align this strategy with other project components.


The Umwelt project team utilised their knowledge of approvals and industry insights to deliver complex projects across both private and public sectors. The team’s strategy offered a comprehensive guide for optimising approval processes, ensuring they are fit for purpose, and promoting government-backed facilitation. The team's commitment to thorough planning, environmental assessment, and effective engagement with communities, stakeholders, and regulators was evident. Additionally, they provided options for wider reform, all while adhering to the project's timeline and budget constraints.