Silver City Energy Storage Centre 

CLIENT: Hydrostor
SECTOR: Renewables
REGION: Broken Hill, NSW

The Silver City Energy Storage (SCES) Project is an innovative clean energy storage project that will re-purpose an existing mine site to provide energy security for Broken Hill and Far West NSW. The Project uses Hydrostor’s proprietary advanced compressed air energy storage (A-CAES) technology and is the first of its kind in Australia. It is designed to provide large-scale, long-duration energy storage for Broken Hill and the region. The project will replace the aging diesel fired turbines that the Broken Hill community relies upon during power outages.  

The Project will be co-located with the existing Potosi mine, using existing mining infrastructure and land, which helps to reduce the environmental impacts of the project. The co-location also ensures long term land use for the site once mining operations cease.

OUR INVOLVEMENT: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment.

Umwelt have assisted Hydrostor with the Environmental and Social Assessment and approvals process Including: 

  • Planning and Approvals advice
  • Preparation of assessment documentation for both NSW and Commonwealth planning and environmental approvals
  • Specialist Assessments including the Social Impact Assessment, Biodiversity Assessment and several other technical assessments
  • Community engagement 


This Project supports the energy policies of the Commonwealth and NSW Governments, as we move towards increased development and utilisation of renewable energy and, ultimately, net zero energy generation.  

The Environmental Impact Assessment has been exhibited with the project receiving minimal community submissions. A Submissions Report and Amendment Report was submitted to DPHI for assessment and has received approval to proceed. The Amendment Report assessed a proposed change to the construction working hours and a refined project layout developed through detailed design. These documents are available on the DPHI Major Projects Register.