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- Heritage and Archaeology
- Natural Resource Management
- Sustainability and ESG
- Hydrogeology
- Noise
- Policy and Advisory
- Rehabilitation and Closure
- Spatial, GIS and Visualisation
- Water Management
- Nature Positive
- New England Renewable Energy Zone (NE REZ) Network Infrastructure Project
- Williamsdale Battery Energy Storage System
- Mount Hopeful Wind Farm
- CopperString 2032 – Reid River
- 35-37 Harrington Street, The Rocks
- Goyder South
- Collie Battery
- QEJP Supergrid Strategy and Planning
- Silver City Energy Storage Centre
- Tallawang Solar Farm
- Moah Creek Wind Farm
- ACARP Project
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We are one of the largest and most diverse environmental businesses in Australia, with a dedicated focus on delivering positive environmental, heritage and social outcomes.
Key sectors include rail, roads, electricity transmission, energy, telecommunications, water supply, ports, coastal protection, education and health care.
Key specialisations including environmental planning and assessment, biodiversity, flora, fauna, noise, heritage, water and social impact assessment, community engagement and ESG.
Tangible Benefits
Our ecologically sustainable development (ESD) principles and integrated decision-making deliver substantial benefits for clients, communities, and the environment. These include timely environmental approvals, enhanced project design, improved social license and company reputation, and more equitable project solutions.
We work with all levels of government and private sector clients to deliver some of Australia’s most significant infrastructure developments as well as the more discrete pieces of work that benefit local communities, with our offering spanning the entire project and asset lifecycle, including:
- Planning pathway advice
- Due diligence and preliminary feasibility investigations
- Environmental impact assessment and approvals
- Biodiversity survey and assessments, including offsets and conservation management.
- Noise and vibration assessment
- Hydrology and hydrogeology assessment
- Water and catchment management
- Aboriginal and European archaeology and heritage survey and assessment
- Social and economic impact assessment
- Community and stakeholder engagement
- Coastal landscape impact assessment and management
- Environmental operations including management, compliance and onsite service